A NSW Government website

Transfer ownership

Selling or giving away pets in NSW

You can transfer ownership of microchipped pets to NSW residents instantly using the NSW Pet Registry. This convenient online process means owners can take a new pet home with the pet profile officially in their name.

1. Create a NSW Pet Registry profile

Your Service NSW log in grants you access to the NSW Pet Registry. If you don't have a MyServiceNSW Account, you will need to create one before you can access the NSW Pet Registry

2. Click 'Transfer a pet'

You'll find this button on the ‘Transfers’ page of your profile. Select the pet from the dropdown that you wish to transfer.

3. Enter the new owner's email and confirm

Enter the new owner’s email address – this must be the address they used to create their NSW Pet Registry profile. Confirm the transfer and you're done.

If the new owner does not have a NSW Pet Registry profile, use your profile to send them an invitation to create one for a seamless transfer and ongoing pet management. If they are not able to use the digital system, you can give council a completed Change of owner (C3A) (PDF, 150 KB) form.

Selling or giving away pets interstate or overseas

You can use the NSW Pet Registry to transfer ownership of microchipped pets to people who live interstate or overseas. These new owners do not need to create NSW Pet Registry profiles.

Simply select the relevant pet and choose the ‘Interstate’ or ‘Overseas’ option, then enter the new owner’s details. This removes the pet from your profile and adds it to your transfer history.

The NSW Pet Registry will send a confirmation email to the new owner with the pet’s details and guidance on what they should do next. They will need to independently research pet registration requirements in their state, territory or country.