Owners The NSW Pet Registry is the only official registry in NSW. It allows you to pay registration online, helps furry family members return home if lost, and keeps you up-to-date with your pet's important milestones.Sign in with MyServiceNSW Get a pet Learn how to adopt a rescue floof or buy a pedigree pet in NSW.east Microchipping Anyone selling or giving away a pet must make sure it's microchipped! Learn more.east Register a pet You can register your cat or dog online in just a few clicks. Here's how to do it.east Desex a pet Desexing cats and dogs is great for their health and safety. Learn why.east Sell or give away a pet Has your pet popped out a few bundles of joy? Here's how to manage the litter.east Lost pets If Rex has run off, use the NSW Pet Registry to help bring him home.east Updated March 25, 2024